
We believe it is our God-given mandate to serve our community and our world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Community Outreach

Drive-Thru Nativity

The reenactment of the Christmas story complete with animals, shepherds, an angel choir, and much more all from the comfort of your car!

Easter Presentation

Our annual musical presentation celebrating the resurrection of Jesus. It’s a great opportunity to invite a friend, and a fun event to get involved behind the scenes!

Vacation Bible School

Every summer, we transform our sanctuary into an amazing kids adventure! Children ages 4 years thru 5th grade will have fun while learning about the love of Jesus.

Community Action Center (CAC) provides help to the community with food, home energy, shelter, home rehab, rent, home ownership, weatherization, rental housing, legal advice and referral, and family support. They are expanding their volunteer opportunities; pick up an application during business hours. Contact CAC at (509) 334-9147. Visit the Community Action Center website.
Foster or adopt a child in the foster care system. Whitman County is in need of individuals and families who are willing to be long-term or short-term foster parents. Providing respite care for families who are full time foster parents is also needed. This may mean taking a child for an afternoon or a weekend. Please consider helping the little ones of our community. Find out more about becoming a foster parent.
Family Promise of the Palouse is a nonprofit organization that provides immediate shelter to homeless families in our community while helping people achieve lasting independence. Living Faith partners with Family Promise by opening up our facilities to needy families several times a year. If you are interested in volunteering in any way, please contact us. Family Promise of the Palouse website.
Each year, Living Faith Fellowship serves with the Pullman Meals on Wheels program. We deliver hot, nutritious meals to those who may not otherwise have a “home cooked” meal each day.
Area churches come together to gather hundreds of shoe boxes filled with school supplies, toys and items any child would love to receive for Christmas. Boxes are collected during the month of November and shipped to a central distribution center, where they are packaged and sent to children in countries around the world. Visit the Operation Christmas Child website.
Palouse Care Network is a Christian organization that provides confidential and compassionate care in the form of specialized medical, practical and spiritual support to those facing pregnancy, parenting, sexuality and abortion related issues. WISH Medical, which stands for Wholly Integrated Sexual Health, is the medical arm of Palouse Care Network. Visit the Palouse Care Network website.
Serving the needs of the less fortunate in the Pullman School District since 1946 with food, new and used clothing, warm blankets, bedding, school supplies, interview clothing, holiday baskets and toys. There are multiple ways you can help. Visit the Pullman Child Welfare website.

College Students

Friday Night CCF

Every Friday night at 7:30pm (August-April)

A Supportive Church Family

We are a multi-generational church family that is committed to caring for the natural and spiritual needs of our students.

Discipleship Program

We offer a three-year discipleship program for students wanting to go deeper in faith and service.

World Missions

Overview of our current international projects by CJ Carrier, director of world missions:

Connect with us


Our team is excited to connect with you and will answer your message within a few hours.
Visit our socials!


Contact Living Faith Fellowship by phone Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM.


Our team is excited to connect with you and will answer your email within a few hours.

If you are experiencing a medical emergency or are in an unsafe situation, call 911.
For Men Only

Support group for men struggling with sexual issues. Safe and confidential.

Call Tony: 509-330-1095

For Women Only

For women struggling with sexual bondage issues or been affected by their husband’s struggles with sexual sin. 100% confidential.

Call Susan: 509-330-1096

Financial Assistance
If you are in need of short-term financial assistance, there may be resources to help you.

Please contact the church at 509-334-1035.

Housing Difficulties

Are you a family experiencing a sudden loss of housing? Family Promise is a local ministry (run in collaboration with Living Faith and many other local churches) to assist families with housing crisises.

Family Promise: 208-882-0165

Are you a single or college student looking for a place to live? Contact the church at 509-334-1035 and ask about roommate referrals.


We Believe That You Can’t Out-Give God

“Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.” — Luke 6:38

What is tithing?

The Bible teaches us a baseline standard for giving: the tithe. When we give the first 10% of our income to the church, we put God first in our lives. Tithing is an act of worship that expresses our gratitude, faith, and love for others.

Initiatives with international impact

Our congregation supports several missionaries and missional projects around the world.